



• Shipping is calculated by order value/weight & is shown at checkout.

• Estimate your shipping costs before payment with the handy shipping tool which will appear on the checkout page.

We do not make a profit from shipping charges - they are constantly reviewed & we choose the most cost-effective method depending on your order value & weight plus transit time.

If you feel your shipping is high please contact us so we can check it and advise an alternative.

Heavier items like paper packs may not be eligible for free shipping & there may be an additional charge applied to that product - you can check this on the product page near the SKU number.

Free shipping does not include downloads - your Free shipping total is calculated on the value of your physical goods only

Due to the huge increases in shipping costs since the Pandemic unfortunately we have had to review our shipping charges. 

We endeavour to ship all orders the most cost-effective way possible.


Most orders ship by UK Royal Mail letter service with an international turnaround time of 7-28 days.


You will find shipping calculated at the checkout so please add items to your cart and enter your address to see accurate shipping costs.


Orders under 1kg - shipping is around $5-10 depending on your location.

Orders 1 - 2kg - shipping is around $8 - 20 depending on your location.


Orders over 2kg must ship by Fedex or DHL which incurs a minimum charge of $50-60 so we therefore have to pass this on to you as a customer.  


If your order has lots of paper items and is going to be very expensive to ship we may contact you to advise you of shipping costs first as we will not be able to absorb heavy courier costs.

*Some items such as heavy paper orders may have a shipping surcharge applied where applicable and may NOT qualify for free shipping*, regardless of the order value. 

If you are charged shipping when you think you should not be please check your products - where an item has additional shipping charges applied it will be listed on the product.

  • Shipping is calculated at checkout but we will manually adjust any shipping costs if necessary before despatch and will ship the most economical way possible (ie airmail for small parcels, courier for heavier items such as paper).
  • Shipping charges are based on PHYSICAL products, not including downloads. ie, if you order downloads and physical products together you will only receive free shipping if the value of your physical goods meets the free shipping minimum, the download value is not included.
  • If shipping costs are not viable for your order value we will contact you to find out how you wish to proceed with your order or cancel it for you.... 
  • PLEASE REQUEST A QUOTE IF YOU THINK SHIPPING IS EXCESSIVE, we do not wish to make a profit from our shipping charges, just cover our costs.
  • The prices shown are for standard air mail NOT signed for courier services. If you need an order urgently you can expedite the shipping - please contact us for a special quote.
  • We can ship to virtually any address in the world, but NOT PO BOX Numbers. Note that there are restrictions on some products, and some products cannot be shipped to international destination.
  • All orders are despatched as quickly as possible and generally are despatched within 3 days.
  • Please note that sometimes our website does become extremely busy especially when we are on TV, which can cause delays of up to 7 working days in extreme circumstances.  If you are in a hurry for an order for a specific reason please let us know and we will try our best to accommodate your needs. 


  • Your order not arrived?
  • Please wait 21 WORKING days after the day of despatch for delivery. Once this period is passed we can then claim for lost parcels but until this time period has elapsed Royal Mail will not consider an item undelivered, missing or lost. If you have any issues please contact us by email.
  • Please note: Even with signed for overseas services this service is often unreliable due to border controls at the country of destination although our postal service endeavours to track all shipments sent this way.
  • OVERSEAS CUSTOMERS please allow 28 days as items can be held at customs.
  • Generally International orders take approximately: USA 14-28 WORKING DAYS, Canada/Australia 21-28 WORKING DAYS, Rest of World - 14 - 60 days depending on your location. 

We reserve the right to change shipping costs at any time without notice.

Lesley  27-12-24

Say Cheese BIGGEST bundle of Birthday Celebration stamps, dies, stencils, papers

I was very delighted with my purchase well done Nickki on your designs

Lesley 27-12-24

Maria  13-12-24

Vintage Christmas Snowy Tree stamps and outline dies

Excellent product, exactly what I needed. Great set

Maria 13-12-24

Susan 02-12-24

Happy Birthday Celebration in/out cutting die

Cuts first time to make a quick card. Perfect for mens cards.

Susan 02-12-24

Jennifer 13-08-24

Lily Ladybird printables

OH MY GOODNESS! I just purchased the new updated Ladybug Ladybird Big Kahuna collections. I just want to say THANK YOU!!!!! for that index. This is exactly what I needed!!!! Your effort is greatly appreciated! Again THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Jennifer 13-08-24

Balloon Autumn Fall Fox - printable stamp craft card making digital stamp download

First Time Using a Digital Stamp - Fun & Easy!
I just finished a product using this Balloon Autumn Fall Fox and it turned out absolutely adorable! This was my first time using a digital stamp and it was super fun and easy! I had no trouble printing and using the image. It was also fairly easy to [...]

Shanna - 05/11/23

Your characters are modern and cheerful. 

They are not overly sweet like you often see. But not too much of an ironical style either. I love them very much. I'm just wondering whether I'd rather buy a digital pack or clear stamps.

floweratlantic 17/04/24

Winnie Clear Stamp - Chocolate Time

This is a really great stamp,it's good quality and stamps out nicely.

Joanne 10/04/23

Gnome-tastic collection

5 Absolutely stunning collection of the cutest gnomes ever. Great for colouring in any medium and so versatile. Highly recommended


STAMP SOUP - Garden Surprise

I have had so much fun with this set of stamps. As always the possibilities are endless....

Barbara 01/05/22